International Guests at Esslingen University


Whether you'd like to lecture, do research, initiate an academic cooperation or are interested in an Erasmus+ mobility - we look forward to welcoming you!


Visitors and Delegations

Esslingen University welcomes around 300 foreign students, as well as numerous guest lecturers and international visitors every year.

We put representatives from our faculties in touch with our partners, creating a platform for cooperation and sustainable exchange.  

Welcome to our university!

Our strengths

Our locations

Entry and residence

Esslingen Tourism Office


Guest Lecturers

Internationalisation of teaching and research

With its ideal location in the greater Stuttgart region, and its strong network with both academic and non-academic institutions, Esslingen University is able to offer a wide range of innovative projects and academic exchange. The Research and Transfer Department can help you find the right contact person for you.

Funding opportunities 

Guest lecturer programme for all subjects and all regions of the world

Project-related exchange 

Visiting scholars with a DAAD scholarship

Entry and residence


Erasmus+ Teaching and Training

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ mobility programm, lecturers and staff are welcome at Esslingen University any time.

TEACHING in Esslingen

Teaching at our university is possible if you are a

  • Professor
  • Scientific assistant
  • PhD student
  • Lecturer

at one of our partner universities in Europe.

A stay lasts from one to a maximum of two weeks.  Teaching activity of at least eight hours per week is expected. However, shorter stays of two days or more are also possible, although here, too, a teaching duration of at least 8 hours is required.

Training in Esslingen

Esslingen University welcomes university staff for work shadowing. The minimum stay is 2 days

We are happy to help you to find the right contact person in our university and to support you with any organisational questions.

Diana Budde

International Weeks

Esslingen University regularly organises International Weeks.

These are free of charge: travel and accommodation costs are, howeer, covered by the participants (or financed by an ERASMUS grant).

Our next International Week will be held from 27 November to 1 December 2023.


International Partner Days

The International Partner Days are open to staff from partner universities and consist of a combination of presentation workshops and cultural activities. Participants have the opportunity to present their home university at the International Night, and to exchange ideas with representatives from other universities. The International Partner Days take place at the Esslingen City Centre Campus.

This programme is free of charge: travel and accommodation costs are, however, covered by the participants (or financed by an ERASMUS grant).


Interested? Find out more! about our degree programmes