Counselling at Esslingen University

The Esslingen University of Applied Sciences Student Counselling Service offers you personal talks with information and advice on any personal or study-related issues. You can speak openly to us about your situation in an individual talk. All talks are treated absolutely confidentially. Simply contact us phone (+49 711 397 3212) or visit our open virtual counselling session. The consultation is free of charge, of course we will advise you in English.

Appointment and consultation



Orientation before Studies

Are you interested in studying at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, but haven’t decided on a concrete degree course yet? Do you have a specific career in mind but don’t know how to get there? We will help you to find the right pathway.

  • Individual advice

We are happy to take the time to answer your questions and will advise you individually and competently. Together, we will talk about your situation at the moment, your interests and plans for the future, and what pathways might seem worth considering. We show you where you can find other sources of information and help you to make a decision. Please make an appointment in advance.

  • Online advice

You can use our online advice service to get into contact with us any time – the service is uncomplicated and anonymous if required.

The University opens its doors so you can get an insight into the various degree courses and ask students and lecturers your questions personally.

  • Subject-related advice in the faculties

If you have detailed questions about the subject in a particular degree course, especially if you intend to change your subject or university, please contact the relevant degree programme director.  

You can find the right contact person on the faculty website pages under “Persons”.

  • Applications and admissions

For any questions about applications, admission procedures and requirements, please look under Applications.

International Students and Refugees

Do you come from abroad and would like to study at the Hochschule Esslingen or are you already studying with us?

A lot of things need to be clarified before you can start studying in Germany: Is my German good enough? The financing?  Where and how do I have to apply? The Student Counselling Service (Zentrale Studienberatung) offers information and guidance for international students and students with migration experience or migration background of the family. Counselling is free of charge. We are also happy to advise you in English.

Further information under Studying in German as an international student.


Difficulties during your Studies

At times when everything seems to be “too much”, you feel down, or need support, we will be at your side with personal talks and advice. During your studies, sudden and unexpected difficulties can often arise. Some typical problems are:

  • motivational and coping crises
  • pressure to achieve and exam anxiety
  • conflicts in group work
  • conflicts with teaching staff
  • thinking about dropping out or changing your degree course
  • threatened or actual withdrawal of your right to take exams
  • procrastination, i.e. chronic putting things off

We can also offer you talks at short notice and anonymously if required. Of course, we are bound by confidentiality and will not undertake any steps without your express permission.

Studying with a Child or a familiy member in need of care

Combining studies with family responsibilities requires organisational skills and often includes the question of financial security for the family. Pregnant students, students with children and students caring for relatives are usually faced with the question of how to plan their studies well and complete them efficiently.

We want to support students with educational or caregiving responsibilities to complete their studies. Parental leave and study time extensions are options for individual study planning that take family responsibilities into account.

The brochure Studying with a Child (in German language) bundles all the important information for student parents on maternity leave during studies, flexibility and financing during studies.

At the Central Student Advisory Service you will receive detailed and individual advice with a view to your specific situation. Of course, we are bound by professional secrecy and can provide advice anonymously if you wish.

You can also find more information in the Family-friendly university.

Student with a Disability or Illness

The Hochschule Esslingen offers support to students with a chronic illness or a handicap in their studies. Upon application, there are possibilities for individual course planning with the help of an extension of the study time, leave of absence and/or specially coordinated compensation for disadvantages in examinations. The Student Counselling Service will advise you confidentially.

Inclusion is an important cross-cutting issue at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and applies at all levels and in all areas. One of the university’s main concerns is to provide professional support to students with a disability or chronic illness so as to enable them to demonstrate and further enhance their skills during their studies. 

Prof. Dr. Nina Kölsch-Bunzen is the Inclusion Officer for Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. Any student who would like to contribute their ideas on how to support and promote inclusive structures at the university is welcome to get in touch with her.

Personal or Family Problems

The Student Advice Centre can also help you with problems that at first sight do not appear to have anything to do with your studies, for instance: 

  • family crises
  • psychological problems or addiction
  • pregnancy conflicts
  • pressure to achieve and fear of failure
  • suicidal thoughts
  • conflicts in your personal life

Such difficulties always affect your studies; they usually mean that you cannot study to your full capacity.

The staff of the Student Counselling Service are available to you in such difficult situations as compassionate contact persons. We will take enough time to understand and help you with your problem. For specific or very complex problems, we are happy to help you find suitable support options.

Acute crisis? Instant Help needed!

Emergency adresses


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