Student fraternities at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
Esslingen University of Applied Sciences has several student fraternities, each with its own website. Their origins go back to the Technical University of Applied Sciences (FHTE), one of the forerunners of today’s university.
The top priority for every student is to successfully complete their degree. We, the six student fraternities at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, aim to support you in this endeavour. To help you gain your degree, we offer various exam preparation courses, portfolios of material and study aids from students in higher semesters, and can also put you in touch with our graduates.
In addition to the hard skills you need in your own field of study, we also provide help and support with the soft skills which are becoming ever more important. We offer various soft skill seminars and provide every student with the opportunity to take on responsibility while they are still studying. We also think it is important to create a good community and for student life to be fun and multi-faceted.
We organise trips and leisure activities as a way of finding new friends. And friendships made within your own fraternity or with members of other fraternities enrich student life and often last a lifetime.
Student fraternities
ARMINIA Engineering Fraternity
During their time at university, the student members of the Arminia Engineering Fraternity (Technische Verbindung ARMINIA zu Esslingen e.V.) learn to live together and collaborate in a heterogeneous group. They get a lot of fun and enjoyment out of organising and spending their leisure time together.
WHO? The Hohenneuffen Sports Fraternity (Sportverbindung HOHENNEUFFEN e.V.) is a student fraternity at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences with international members of all genders.
WHY? We support the students throughout their time at university, provide a hub for learning, the opportunity to exchanges views and ideas with other members, and cultivate and maintain links with the university, the professors and leaders from business and industry. Social events bring fun and variety to the daily student routine and lead to lifelong friendships.
WHERE? Our regular get-togethers take place at Rilke Straße 8 in Esslingen, and at student events with like-minded fraternities, and we also offer student accommodation in the centre of Esslingen.
University is the best time of your life – and should not consist only of studying, stress and sitting exams. Our "Motor” Fraternity (Verbindung “Motor”) is a community of young students who live together, enjoy student life and want to obtain a good degree. Time and again, our members have created something extraordinary; for example, Gottlob Honold, Director of Development at Bosch, invented the modern spark plug, and Ludwig Dürr developed the famous Zeppelin airship.
The “Motors” are your opportunity to find lots of good friends for life and have a fun time in a pleasant community when you are not studying. We would like to expand our horizons beyond our degree programmes to develop as people.
We would be delighted to welcome you into our ranks. You can come along to one of our meetings without any obligation – information on upcoming events and further information can be found on our website in the calendar.
Our fraternity house
Kephallenia-Württembergia Engineering and Science Fraternity
The Kephallenia-Württembergia Engineering and Science Fraternity (Technisch-Wissenschaftlicher Bund Kephallenia-Württembergia e.V.) has set itself the goal of providing support to interested students. As a companion during the time spent at university, the fraternity attaches importance to personal development so that its members can deal with the demands placed on them by a modern society and help shape its continuously changing form in a responsible way.
Its activities focus on looking after its student members (Activitas) and preparing them for their professional life. This is achieved by means of self-organisation, soft skills training and opportunities to regularly share experiences with the old hands (Alte Herren).
Academic fencing is not part of fraternity life, and it is not affiliated with any particular political party or religion. All genders are welcoome.
In the Staufia Engineering Fraternity (Technische Verbindung Staufia e.V.)we consider fraternity life to be a supplementary part of the degree programme whose aim is to support the students during the semester in many different ways. Staufia encourages the active exchange of ideas on topical subjects, cultivates a community spirit and puts great emphasis on friendships and maintaining them a whole life long. Our community is open to students from all technical faculties at the university, thus facilitating interdisciplinary communication in a friendly environment. The opportunity for students and professional engineers to share their experiences creates important contacts for professional development both during and after your time at university.
Our two fraternity houses at Mülberger Str. 41 in Esslingen are the meeting place and the focal point of all our fraternity activities. All in-house events take place here. Our 17 student apartments allow students to study with all the advantages that a house of our own provides.
We are the Suevia Fraternity (Verbindung Suevia Stuttgart-Esslingen e.V.)and arerepresented in Stuttgart and Esslingen. A student fraternity is simply an association made up of students and graduates. We have around 200 members, approx. 20 of whom are currently students.
Our members study at universities in Esslingen, Stuttgart and elsewhere. Our degree programmes include mechanical engineering, media technology, biotechnology, business studies and many more. We are as individual as our degree programmes and our leisure interests. We are united in friendship, community spirit and mutual support.
Student fraternities are often thought of as being conservative and behind the times, but this is not the case with our fraternity. We do not pursue any economic, political or religious objectives. We are characterised by the various personalities in our fraternity and are part of social change like any other association. We are therefore always open to new ideas and happy to welcome active new members.