Why should you study abroad?
The Department of Information Technology encourages and promotes a study-related stay abroad for students. There are many reasons why studying abroad makes sense. Even if the individual motives vary, there are some reasons that are mentioned again and again.
Deepening one's knowledge of foreign languages
Students who communicate in a foreign language every day for a longer period of time learn the language faster, more efficiently and more easily than in a language course in Germany. Through the daily contact with native speakers, the oral language competence can be perfected, foreign language seminar literature and written examinations consolidate reading and writing competence. Learning the technical vocabulary in another language can be an advantage for later professional life. English is the corporate language of many international companies. It goes without saying that you should speak English with the person you are talking to on the telephone or write your e-mail in English. Foreign language skills are indispensable for a career.
personality development
Getting to know another culture expands one's horizon. Anyone who dares the adventure of studying abroad and leaves his comfort zone will return with a mature personality. Being on your own in a foreign environment may seem frightening at first. Most foreign universities do a lot for the well-being of their international students. They usually offer a wide range of leisure activities to make it easier for international students to settle in and make contact with fellow students.
Acquisition of important personal skills
During their studies abroad, students acquire and develop soft skills. These key competencies not only serve personal development, but are also in demand from potential employers. The main focus is on
- intercultural competence,
- tolerance,
- self-employment,
- ability to communicate and constructive criticize,
- self-organisation and self-confidence,
- tolerance for frustration,
- adaptability.
New perspective on one's own field of study
Those who study in another higher education system encounter new teaching methods and can compare these with the methodology of their home university. In addition, one gets to know differences in content to studying in Germany, for example, other study focuses. These are related to the respective country, region or culture.
International team experience
Studying abroad means working with students of other nationalities. This experience is especially useful for those who are looking for a career in international companies or organizations. Working together with foreign clients or partners is part of their daily routine. Those who have the necessary experience are particularly interesting for such employers.
Global Network
Those who go abroad to study benefit from the many different people they meet there. Whether professors, fellow students, employers, colleagues or other people. All these contacts can be a great help in terms of friendship and professionalism and can be cultivated further.
Studying at a high level
Many foreign universities have more financial resources than is the case in Germany. As a result, the general conditions for studying are often much better. This can be seen, for example, in
- the premises,
- the technical equipment,
- the opening hours of the library,
- the size of the learning group.
Advantages for your CV
The fact that studying abroad can have a positive effect on future job opportunities should not be underestimated and is therefore another important reason. In an internationally oriented business world, employers attach great importance to international experience and sometimes even make it a prerequisite for employment. The career entry is often facilitated and also for the later career a study stay abroad can be useful. In most cases, advancement to higher positions is quicker. The salary is also sometimes higher than for applicants without experience abroad.