Sonia Veerapen, MBA Class of 2023

Congratulations on your Esslingen MBA degree and on the Bosch Award! You are the first student from Mauritius in The Esslingen MBA programme since its founding.

Can you tell us a bit about Mauritius?

The Republic of Mauritius is a small tropical island in the East African region. Its size is about 10 times that of Stuttgart and has a population of 1,3 million habitants. It obtained its independence in 1968, and its population is multicultural.


Mauritians aim for balanced everyday life with solid bonds with close ones and hard work and success professionally. For instance, our food culture is very different. Many families spend hours in the evening cooking and eating together.


Living now in Germany, what do you miss most?

I would say my family and friends and this more relaxed, friendly culture from our island. And, of course, I miss the large variety of good seafood.


How do you feel holding the MBA degree certificate as batch best?

I am thrilled and grateful for being able to reach there. The path was not always easy and fun, but the result was worth it. I am relieved to have made it that far and looking forward to all the opportunities this degree will open for me.


How do you learn best? Do you follow any strategies?

I was also a working student for 20 hours per week throughout the course, so time management was the most important for me, especially around exam time or important work deadlines. I would plan my study hours and spread them much ahead from the exam dates or submission deadlines. Another hint that helped me a lot was to put more time into subjects I did not like as much as I tend to perform less well in those. Identifying and working on my weaknesses has helped me in all aspects of my life.


During your studies, you gained some practical experience in Germany. How important is thepractical experience for your today’s work?

I think it is vital. I was a working student at EnBW and did my Master's Thesis with TransnetBW. This constant contact to the German culture helped me improve my German language and focus on my goals and where I wanted to be in the future. I enjoyed my working experience and had very interesting assignments and amazing colleagues. This motivated me, even more, to start a career in Germany. This was a great motivation for trying my best in my studies and opened many opportunities down the road.


Can you share with us a memorable experience during your MBA that had a significant and lastingimpact on your life, professional or personal?

I do not have one specific memory that changed everything, but its mostly the whole experience itself of interacting and getting to know my classmates and lecturers, living in the dormitory together, and sometimes going out together that really changed me. What I liked the most about the MBA and affected me the most was the wide variety of cultures and getting to know the different cultures. It has helped me to be more open-minded and to look at things in a different perspective.


What is the Esslingen MBA for you?

For me, it represents the hope for promising career opportunities in the future.


What were your career aspirations before starting with the Esslingen MBA?

I wanted to work in an analytical/technical position in the energy sector and contribute to the shift to renewable energies.


What position are you holding now?

I am an Engineer at TransnetBW and my tasks involve technical analysis for network expansion projects to support the development of renewable energies.


What topic can you give a five-minute presentation on right this second?

The importance of renewable energies!


Do you have a life motto that you would like to share with others?

I always try to deliver my best no matter what I undertake.


Thank you and all the best!


Find out more about the Esslingen Full-time MBA in Industrial Management here.




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