Student Accommodation

Student residences

The Stuttgart Students Union administers the student flats in Esslingen and Goeppingen.  Application forms for and information on the individual student flats can be found on the Stuttgart Students Union website.

Student Residences in Esslingen

Student Residence in Göppingen

Contact persons

Branch Office Esslingen/Göppingen
West-Point: Rossneckar II, Mettinger Straße 127, 73728 Esslingen
Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, between 9:00 and 11:00.

Andrea Hilebrand-Schmidt (responsible for Esslingen), Phone: +49 711 20 37 31-102, E-Mail
Xuemei Ladewig (responsible for Esslingen and Göppingen), Phone: 49 711 20 37 31-101, E-Mail
Ansprechpartnerin Boarding House Esslingen: Martina Hansen, Phone: +49 711 20 37 31-103, E-Mail



Interested? Apply now! for the wintersemester 2024/2025